lunedì, febbraio 12, 2007


After a nightmarish weekend, I got the call today, I'm starting on Thursday!!! I was supposed to get an answer by last Friday, but the job agency called me in the morning to let me know the company wasn't sure of me, because of my second job. Apparently they did not realise I DO NOT HAVE A SECOND JOB and thought I couldn't give my 100% attention. So I had to explain again about the mess with the airport and she called the company back to clarify my situation. Unfortunately, though, they all where on a meeting which went on till after 6 pm (on a Friday?!?!?!? difficult to believe, but still...) and so I coudn't get the answer before this morning! I'm really happy it went well. I hereby (not sure I'm using the word in the correct way, sorry to any native speaker reading...) swear to you all that I am not going to complain about the job and I will try to keep it forever!!!! So if I do, feel free to let me know what kind of unsatisfied and stupid cow that I am. Thanks.

Assunta! Incredibile ma vero. Cioè non proprio incredibile, ok, ma dopo venerdì non ci speravo più. Mi ha chiamato l'agenzia per dirmi che l'azienda non era convinta, a causa dell'impegno richiesto dal mio secondo lavoro. Ho così dovuto rispiegare la storia dell'aeroporto e la ragazza dell' agenzia ha richiamato l'azienda, ma non è riuscita ad avere una risposta prima delle 18.00 perchè la responsabile era in un riunione e così ho passato il weekend in sospeso! Ma stamattina è arrivata la telefonata! Giovedì comincio, non vedo l'ora...

Book of the day: Notes on scandal by Zoe Heller
Libro del giorno: Diario di uno scandalo, di Zoe Heller

5 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

dai piccola che forse questo è il nostro anno finalmente..... baci baci baci

Anonimo ha detto...

Congratulations and vedi di divertirti, anche!

David Morris ha detto...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! "Hereby" is an appropriate word to use in that context as well. Good luck for Thursday!

Anna ha detto...

Thanks David, I'm glad I can still use the English language quite properly... means that my BA is actually worth something!!!
... Am just saying it because notwithstanding my 4 years at Uni, it is not particularly appreciated in Italy...
I should have stayed in the UK! but then I wouldn't have met my wonderful Luca...

David Morris ha detto...

Cool.. getting 'notwithstanding' into a sentence! As a native English speaker, I don't think I've ever managed that feat! Mind you, I'm from Yorkshire... we don't usually do words that long! I'm envious though. I speak one language not particularly well. I should learn German or French as I support users in both countries, but they speak English well enough. Fortunately, Bill Gates puts all the buttons in the same place otherwise we'd be completely lost. I did have to admit defeat last week when presented with the longest error message I've ever seen in either Finnish or Norwegian though. Too many accents for my liking! As it's late on Wednesday evening, I hope tomorrow goes off OK. Remember, you promised to like the job...