Here's lovely (and crazy) Batman! He's been with us for more than a year now and we love him to bits. Neither of us had ever had a dog before, so it was a real Adventure!
Batman is a rescued strayed dog. He was found on a street aged more or less one and brought to a Dog Rescue Center, from where we got him. Either he is very very clever, which we know he is anyway, or he was living in a family before, as he had to undergo very little training with us: he did not need anything to be told twice! For sure he was beaten, probably with a stick, as he is still very scared of the broom and the mop. He is also quite scared of wind and we cannot actually make out why. He loves human contact and running! He is very good at retrieving objects, again it wasn't much effort to teach him. All in all, he is the perfect dog, does not bark (I swear, he probably does it once in a month or so...), does not chew things in the house, is very clean, loves all other dogs and is particularly fond of cats (but they do not usually return his love...), is terrific, very tender and affectionate, with children.
With this post we want to thank again the fabulous pepole at the canile Intercomunale di Desenzano del Garda (BS), where we adopted him.
2 commenti:
Not meeting him in person is the biggest thing I missed from my trip to Italy in October!!! Perhaps, you can travel to Japan with him?! As for his scaring to wind part, I guess the last owner kept him close to something generates big noise... He is now an indoor dog and happy, which is great!
Sorry Noriko, but I would never have him flying to Japan, the poor thing!!! He will see you next time you come to Italy!
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