sabato, novembre 14, 2009

Another dog?

Honestly, I am not adopting another dog. But I keep checking blogs and website about rescued dogs and my heart is breaking. I wish I could adopt another dog. I wish I had the space, the time, the money to give him/her a beautiful life. But I have not and it hurts me. And so I turn to lucky Batman, we might not be the best owners ever, but still, we saved him from what could be a very awful life... we were very lucky to have him too. He is just the perfect dog. Love him to bits. Love him, love him, love him.
Anyway, have put on my links a couple of blogs of people devoting their life to saving animals, just in case anyone wants to give it a go...

E vale la pena in italiano. Ho linkato dei blogs di persone che si occupano di animali randagi e/o abbandonati, magari qualcuno è interessato a dare una mano!!! E' linkato, ovviamente, anche il canile di Desenzano, dove abbiamo adottato Batman. Pensateci!!!

1 commento:

norico ha detto...

I think Batman find you the best owner! He is loved, that what he needs the most :-)