I had a great birthday spending the day with my family... My brother and sister-in-law came to Verona for a few days and where with us on New Year's Eve as well. In the picture my niece is helping me with the candles on my birthday cake... by the way, I'm not 82, but 28! The cake is the always-present-on-birthdays Tiramisù, courtesy of my mum's hands... she's the best at it, as anyone who tried can confirm! My friend Rafael tried it MANY years ago (at least 5...) and he's still going on about it in emails! And so does Noriko, but she loves any Italian food cooked by my mum, so... We're waiting for you Nori-chan!!!
Ho festeggiato il compleanno con la famiglia, c'erano Tomaso, Grazie ed Elena, che nella foto mi aiuta a spegnere le candeline. Eh, sì, ormai gli anni son 28, è ora che concluda qualcosa nella vita!
Book of the day:
Fear and trembling, by A. Nothomb.
Libro del giorno:
Stupori e tremori, di A. Nothomb.
4 commenti:
Happy Birthday!
... e per il momento ho "solo" 4 anni di differenza.... ciai ciai
Congratulations on your 82nd birthday!!! Ooppps, 28th birthday. Yes, I always miss things I saw in Italy and needless to say, your family! My new years resolution: Go back to Italy this year! Let's see when it comes true. Happy birthday to you again. So happy to hear that you had literally happy birthday :-)
Thanx everyone. Yes, it was a happy day, hope my life will be full of more happy days!!!!
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