Ok, they still don't look perfect, I reckon, first of all the hole is missing and then they're not all goldened the same way, but they taste great!
I'm very proud of the result, but am looking for perfection, so, stay tuned and I'll try again!!!
Finalmente son riuscita a cucinare i bagels! Non sono ancora perfetti da vedere (manca il buco e dovrebbero essere ciambelle e il colore non è uniforme), ma sono buonissimi!!!
Non mi arrendo e proverò ancora, ma intanto ci godiamo questo buon risultato!!!
Book of the day: Chocolat, by J. Harris
Libro del giorno: Chocolat, di J. Harris
3 commenti:
Well done on the bagles! They look much less like croissants which can't be a bad thing!
thank you David!!! I'm v. proud of myself!
Next goal is cooking brownies... they're in the oven just now and smell great! But they were much easier!
so yummy they were finished before I could take a picture!!!
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