domenica, dicembre 20, 2009
biscuits part 2!
Tarà! Orange and lemon flavoured, they were easy to do, but again, recipe totally wrong! I had to double the flour and they were supposed to stay 10 minutes at 190°C!!!! Definately too much heat, so I sticked to 150°C and they came out perfect!
domenica, dicembre 06, 2009
Xmas is coming
Christmas. Am not a big fan. And this year is going to be weird. I love giving presents, but unfortunately I am not sure I'll be able to buy them this year. I have a job, but I will not get paid till January, as the company is having some problems, and so thinking of not being able to give my family the presents I would like to give them, makes me even less keen than usual to Christmas. Plus, I usually give some money to charity this year and the thought I cannot even spare 10 euros...
Blimey. The spirit of Christmas. Plus I'll be 31 in less than a month and I'm honestly starting to feel old... old and tired!
Any suggestions to help me feel more useful to the world???
Blimey. The spirit of Christmas. Plus I'll be 31 in less than a month and I'm honestly starting to feel old... old and tired!
Any suggestions to help me feel more useful to the world???
sabato, novembre 14, 2009
Another dog?
Honestly, I am not adopting another dog. But I keep checking blogs and website about rescued dogs and my heart is breaking. I wish I could adopt another dog. I wish I had the space, the time, the money to give him/her a beautiful life. But I have not and it hurts me. And so I turn to lucky Batman, we might not be the best owners ever, but still, we saved him from what could be a very awful life... we were very lucky to have him too. He is just the perfect dog. Love him to bits. Love him, love him, love him.
Anyway, have put on my links a couple of blogs of people devoting their life to saving animals, just in case anyone wants to give it a go...
E vale la pena in italiano. Ho linkato dei blogs di persone che si occupano di animali randagi e/o abbandonati, magari qualcuno è interessato a dare una mano!!! E' linkato, ovviamente, anche il canile di Desenzano, dove abbiamo adottato Batman. Pensateci!!!
Anyway, have put on my links a couple of blogs of people devoting their life to saving animals, just in case anyone wants to give it a go...
E vale la pena in italiano. Ho linkato dei blogs di persone che si occupano di animali randagi e/o abbandonati, magari qualcuno è interessato a dare una mano!!! E' linkato, ovviamente, anche il canile di Desenzano, dove abbiamo adottato Batman. Pensateci!!!
venerdì, novembre 13, 2009
English Class

And now, everyone please be free to underline all the mistakes I made in this post... ;)
giovedì, novembre 05, 2009
Here's lovely (and crazy) Batman! He's been with us for more than a year now and we love him to bits. Neither of us had ever had a dog before, so it was a real Adventure!
Batman is a rescued strayed dog. He was found on a street aged more or less one and brought to a Dog Rescue Center, from where we got him. Either he is very very clever, which we know he is anyway, or he was living in a family before, as he had to undergo very little training with us: he did not need anything to be told twice! For sure he was beaten, probably with a stick, as he is still very scared of the broom and the mop. He is also quite scared of wind and we cannot actually make out why. He loves human contact and running! He is very good at retrieving objects, again it wasn't much effort to teach him. All in all, he is the perfect dog, does not bark (I swear, he probably does it once in a month or so...), does not chew things in the house, is very clean, loves all other dogs and is particularly fond of cats (but they do not usually return his love...), is terrific, very tender and affectionate, with children.
With this post we want to thank again the fabulous pepole at the canile Intercomunale di Desenzano del Garda (BS), where we adopted him.
venerdì, ottobre 30, 2009
Tiny me in Abu Simbel
lunedì, ottobre 26, 2009
One year after

And so, one year after my last post, on October, 3rd 2009, we finally got married!!!
The happiest day of my life??? Well, I think I could say it. The people I REALLY wanted to be there, were there and so I felt loved, happy and beautiful. And blessed. And lucky.
So many beautiful things happended to me this year, together with some pretty awful ones and I have to admit I felt really overwhelmed at times.
But I am starting feeling better and hope this will be a new start for us, I mean I hope life will bring us something new!
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