They do look awful, but don't taste that bad, really... Luca is actually eating them... But still!
My plan was to practice today, and cook them on Xmas day, to eat them at breakfast with scrumble eggs and smoked salmon... and of course, bagels DO NOT EXIST in Italy, so either I find another recipe or I better forget it! My auntie Danila just gave me an American one on the phone, we'll see if I feel like trying again during the week!
Queste schifezze sono bagels! O meglio dovrebbero esserlo, ma non ci assomigliano lontanamente!! Dovrebbero essere ciambelle di pane leggermente dolce, che si usa farcire in UK e negli USA, con ripieni sia salati, sia dolci. L'idea era di fare una prova per poi cucinarle a Natale, per far colazione con uova strapazzate e salmone, visto che ai miei familiari piacciono molto! Purtroppo però, visto il risultato... Mia zia Danila mi ha appena dato un'altra ricetta al telefono, da un libro di ricette, credo inglese (o americano?), vediamo se ho voglia di riprovare in settimana!!!
Book of the day: Chapatti or Chips? by M. Minhas: very funny!!!!
Libro del giorno: mai tradotto in italiano...
6 commenti:
gnam gnam sono invece buonissimissimi
attendiamo con ansia la colazione di Natale.....
ciai ciai
I'm sorry Anna - when I looked at the photo without reading the text, I'd assumed you'd been cooking croissants or similar. I'll freely admit I've never tried cooking bagels!
By the way, I agree about Viva Pinata. My wife bought it for her and our young son on the grounds it looked similar to Animal Crossing on the DS which they both play. The Wikipedia entry for Viva Pinata suggests that it might be the best game MS have ever released.
Ingredients :
30g yeast
2 tablespoon oil
2 tablespoon salt
50g castor sugar
500g flour
1 beaten egg
Recipe :
Dissolve yeast in 250ml lukewarm water and add oil.
Add salt, sugar and flour.
Make a well in the middle of the mixture.
Add water/yeast/oil mixture to flour littel by little, until you have a paste.
Knead for 10 minutes and shape into a ball.
Cover with a hot towel and leave in a warm place place, to rise for 30 minutes.
Once risen, knead for a further 10 minutes and divide into 12.
Roll into little balls, make a hole in each one with your finger and make it bigger and bigger until it looks like a doughnut.
Place on a chopping board dusted with flour and cover with a hot towel for a further 15 minutes to allow to rise again.
Preheat oven to 395°F(200 °C).
Simmer a pan of water and dunk each bagel in water for a minute on each side.
Leave to cool for 5 minutes.
Brush with beaten egg and put in oven for 20 minutes, until golden.
Phew... Anna! What are they?!?! Good try but oh-oh.. Hey, I still miss the 10p bagles near our flat! Bagles in Tokyo is really expensive and one bagle costs about 1 pound!!! If you find the right way, please pass it to me(call me lazy!). Good luck for your next try! If I can find a spare time, I will try Marco's recipe. Thank you, Marco!
...mind, I never tried it myself, but I had it confirmed by a colleague!
Good one Marco!!! What is worrying me now is that the recipe you wrote is quite different from the one my auntie gave me, for instance, no sugar in hers! annyway, I might try this evening, so, I'll let you know how it goes...
Noriko!! How to forget the flower market and the bagels for 10p... nice sunday mornings in Alexander Fleming Halls of Residence!
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