Annyway, this is just an introduction to yesterday story. I resigned from the Shoes shop. Hope you'll all be glad about it, I am!!!! I was offered an opportunity at Montichiari (Brescia) Airport, not as a check-in clerk, but working on the inside, at weight and balance. The job should be very interesting and stimulating; I'll first have to take a couple of courses and pass a couple of exams and I'm a bit nervous, but positive, though.
Why Mr. Deaver? Well, at the Shop they wouldn't allow me to send a fax to the Agency I'm working with at the moment, and I had to get out and send it from a newsagent. The line was busy, so I had to wait a couple of minutes and then... suddenly... in a corner... Death of a Blue Movie Star, a 1990 thriller by Deaver, basically impossible to find in Italy, 'cause the importer got bankrupt more or less 4 years ago... Also, it was never translated into Italian and I really wanted to read it...
Whoever has a perfect author will understand the feeling I had last night at opening the book... and it looks good so far...
can't wait to go on with it, so bye!!!!
Book of the day: it will have to be The Bone Collector, by J. Deaver. Tell me about it if you've read it!!!
Ieri mi son licenziata dal negozio di scarpe. Ahahhhhh! Libertà!!!! Mi hanno offerto formazione ed eventuale lavoro all'aeroporto di Brescia Montichiari, negli uffici dell'operativo, ovvero la gestione dell'aereomobile quando è a terra. Carico, scarico, bilanciamento, etc.
Comunque, dovevo mandare il fax con le dimissioni all'agenzia di lavoro interinale con la quale ero assunta e i miei superiori al negozio non mi hanno permesso di mandarlo da lì, così ho dovuto aspettare di andare in pausa e correre da un giornalaio per riuscire a spedirlo in giornata... Carini vero? Molto professionali...
Ma dal giornalaio ho trovato la magnifica sorpresa di un libro in inglese del mio autore preferito, Jeffery Deaver, con me nella foto, libro quasi impossibile da trovare perchè del 1990 e distribuito in Italia da un distributore di libri in lingua fallito qualche anno fa...
Come avere l'umore risollevato in un istante!!!! Non vedevo l'ora di tornare a casa per cominciarlo!!! e devo dire che sembra buono per ora...
Libro del giorno: per forza, oggi è Il Collezionista di Ossa, di J. Deaver. Qualcuno l'ha letto? Che ne pensate?
2 commenti:
I never read any Deaver, for some reason his books never had any appeal with me. Although I enjoyed the movie The Bone Collector, I never thought I'd read the book! Odd on my side, I know.
I just bought Bravemouth by Pamela Stephenson Connolly, a biography of herself and of her husband Billy, you probably know him from your London days. Her Billy is very nice and funny, so we'll see.
Well, the movie is "quite" different from the book, and I strongly recommend it.
I do know Billy from my London days, and quite enjoyed following his tournee around the UK with his show, on his motorbike, shown by the BBC...
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