I'm feeling low today. I went to the doc. and still, they don't know what I'm suffering of. I'm so tired, I wish I could feel better by just taking a pill or something, but it won't work. I'll have to undergo more (and more) exams and then... who knows... I just don't feel like hoping anymore. I wish I could live as if nothing was happening; I manage most of the time, but on other days... :(
I've had good news from the Airport. The course went fine, so I'll start working for them in a couple of weeks. Lookinf forward to it, but a bit scared too.
That's it.
Book of the day: The Last of the Mohicans, by J.F. Cooper, one of the saddest books ever written...
Libro del giorno: L'ultimo dei Mohicani, di J.F. Cooper, triste, triste, triste.
martedì, novembre 28, 2006
mercoledì, novembre 22, 2006

Adoro le case. Proprio mi piace guardare le case degli altri. Le ville, meglio se antiche, mi fanno impazzire. Non so cosa darei per vedere l'interno di alcune di esse. Questa è una delle più belle che io abbia mai visto e si trova in un piccolo paesino sul Lago di Como.
Quale sarà la sua storia? Quali i suoi segreti?
E perchè le case mi affascinano così? Cosa rappresenta la casa in psicologia?
I love houses, especially old ones. I'm intirgued by them, I wish I could visit them all and discover their secrets... I don't know what's the meaning of this obsession, though...
by the way, this one is in a small town on Como Lake.
Book of the day: Jude the Obscure, by T. Hardy. It makes me feel good, seeing I'm not the only one obsessed with buildings... and I know a secret about it!!!
Libro del giorno: Giuda l'oscuro, di T. Hardy.
martedì, novembre 07, 2006
Wow!! sono davvero eccitata! Ho appena scoperto che la casa di mia zia a Londra verrà "utilizzata" per girare un film, ma non di qualche regista socnosciuto, qualcuno di famoso!!! Per cui per la teoria che in 6 passaggi è possibile dimostrare che tutti si conoscono al mondo, io in sei passaggi arrivo a... beh, con solo 5 arrivo a George Clooney... Non dico niente di più per salvaguardare la privacy di zia e zio, ma.... WOW!!!!!! C'ho vissuto anch'io in quella casa!!!!!
Today I'm v. excited! I just found out that my uncle and aunt's house in London will be used in a movie!! It's the first house I lived in when I moved to London and I'm telling you, it's weird to think that in a few months I will see it in a picture!! I'm not saying who's the director or the title of the movie, but it's not some unknown low-profile director, so I think there will be loads of talking about it.... will let you know everything once it's released, ok???
By the way, there's this theory that says that in only 6 steps you can prove that we all know each other in the world, well, today I can say I know George Clooney in only 5 steps!! Oh my....
Book of the day: Ash Wednesday, by Ethan Hawke. The actor, yes.
Libro del giorno: Mercoledì delle ceneri, di E. Hawke, l'attore.
Today I'm v. excited! I just found out that my uncle and aunt's house in London will be used in a movie!! It's the first house I lived in when I moved to London and I'm telling you, it's weird to think that in a few months I will see it in a picture!! I'm not saying who's the director or the title of the movie, but it's not some unknown low-profile director, so I think there will be loads of talking about it.... will let you know everything once it's released, ok???
By the way, there's this theory that says that in only 6 steps you can prove that we all know each other in the world, well, today I can say I know George Clooney in only 5 steps!! Oh my....
Book of the day: Ash Wednesday, by Ethan Hawke. The actor, yes.
Libro del giorno: Mercoledì delle ceneri, di E. Hawke, l'attore.
venerdì, novembre 03, 2006
getting cold...

At last it' s getting cold... today we can say that Winter has come. So, let's have a laugh!!!!
I have to thank Marco (http://marcosblog.livejournal.com/) for the picture, I think it's absolutely hilarious! I believe that everyone must have felt like this at least once in thier lifetime! So go on! spread the picture around!!!!
But don't blame me if you send it to your boss...
Book of the day: The Corrections, by J. Franzen. Politically incorrect!
Libro del giorno: Le correzioni, J. Franzen.
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